Classic Reissue
Preorder: No, In stockHere it is: the grandfather of all model kits of the grandfather of all Gundams! We won't take anything away from this kit. Go ahead, enjoy it. You've... (learn more)
Preorder: No, In stockFrom "Mobile Suit Gundam", "1/100 Real Type Guncannon" is now available! A model that uses a military color based on black for molding. Dedicated d... (learn more)
Preorder: No, In stockFrom "Mobile Suit Gundam", "1/550 Braw Bro" is now available! The separation and combination gimmick of the center of the hull and the left and rig... (learn more)
Preorder: No, In stockFrom "Mobile Suit Gundam", Zanzibar appears on 1/2400 scale. The booster for escape from the atmosphere is a detachable selection type. Flight and la... (learn more)
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