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Form-ism Figure - 2B (YoRHa No. 2 Type B) No Visor Ver. (NieR:Automata)
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Presenting a new figure line, FORM-ISM from Square Enix.
This is a new line of figurines that feature a diverse range of forms and styles. These sculptures are designed to be displayed in various directions.
From NieR:Automata, 2B (YoRHha No. 2 Type B) comes the first entry in the FORM-ISM series. The figure is sculpted without goggles on, allowing you to enjoy the ever iconic 2B.
This is a new line of figurines that feature a diverse range of forms and styles. These sculptures are designed to be displayed in various directions.
From NieR:Automata, 2B (YoRHha No. 2 Type B) comes the first entry in the FORM-ISM series. The figure is sculpted without goggles on, allowing you to enjoy the ever iconic 2B.
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