MG RX-78GP01 Gundam GP01 Zephyranthes
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It’s good This is an old mg it’s still a good kit. However it could use some t.l.c to help with some of the pr ...
Before Space Type. There are No Bazooka for Gundam GP01.
Please don't buy this kit The GP-01 is a very cool suit and I know a lot of people have fond memories of it. But this kit suck ...
Wasn't that a fun history lesson? In any event, this kit recreates all the features of the GP01, but we will warn you that it's been cast in a slightly off-white mintish green; this isn't a manufacturing defect, and is the way Bandai has always made the kit!
Gundam Series 0083 Stardust Memory
Grade/Scale MG
Character Video Character Video
Condition This is a model kit and requires assembly.
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BASIC TOOLSPlastic nipper
Panel liner
Finishing: Top Coat/Super Clear
INSTRUCTIONYou don't need cement.
You don't need paint.
Recommended for 15 years & up
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