SD Gundam Cross Silhouette Frame (Green)
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UC 0079 Zaku 2 is a Zeon Cyclops Robot.
Green with Envy If tall Zaku you want, this you must get. Extra movement it has.
From Bandai Spirits! CS Frame (Green) fit Zaku 2 from Mobile Suit Gundam (1979).
Here's a new version of the Cross Silhouette Frame to match the Zaku II!
Gundam Series Mobile Suit Gundam
Grade/Scale SD Cross Silhouette
Condition This is a model kit and requires assembly.
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A new Cross Siilhouette frame in green designed to make your SDCS kits feature taller proportions!
BASIC TOOLSPlastic nipper
Panel liner
Finishing: Top Coat/Super Clear
INSTRUCTIONYou don't need cement.
You don't need paint.
Recommended for 15 years & up
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